Making Time for What Matters Most


Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Chag Sameach, and all the best to you and yours this special time of year.

When I founded Locke & King in 2020 it was out of a desire to re-align what I valued in my life, both to do something I loved and to make time for those that I love.

So beyond all the commercial emails, gift buying, deals. spam, and other, realistically unnecessary stuff that this season can sometimes seem to lean too heavily into, I simply wanted to make the time to thank you all for an exciting year, to wish you all happy holidays, and to offer all the best wishes for 2023.

Make time for what matters to you this season. And make your own time always.

- Ryan Moran, CEO & Founder

P.S. See below for a simple, little gift from us to you.


Complementary Festive Art Prints

The two, festive digital art prints below depict Gore Park, the core promenade in our hometown of Hamilton, Ontario's downtown, with its iconic fountain and glowing tree, located at King and James.

Simply click on either image to have access to the high-res digital file, download and enjoy your free, festive art prints of our hometown for use however you like.